Free your SIS data
SIS Liberty extracts data from your SIS and sends it to another application (like Principalm or Teacherpalm). Liberated data offers benefits such as mobility, efficiency, and school connectedness.
There are many software products that would benefit your school and students; if only those products could access the appropriate subsets of your SIS (School information System) data.
But student data that is not under your direct control can endanger privacy…
Discovery created SIS Liberty to help!
Liberty runs on a server right in your school or district; you decide whether or not a particular external application can access student data, and if so then exactly what data, and finally what it does with that data. You stay in control for one simple reason:
It’s your school and your data
Use SIS Liberty to securely connect the data of your choice into any other Discovery product.
Contact Discovery Software about connecting with applications other than Principalm, or Teacherpalm.
Have questions? Discovery Software’s friendly support team is happy to help.
View the privacy policy or terms of service for SIS Liberty.