How to Gain Grants for your School Purchases
Check out the following links for further details:
Safe Schools Grant (US Department of Education):
Safe School Programs are intended to prevent violence and the illegal use of drugs and to promote safety and discipline. Handheld PDAs can provide the power of 24/7 access to student or staff identification, student conduct histories, and direct links to contacts.
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Enhancing Education Through Technology (US Department of Education):
Technology like Principalm+; handheld software for school administrators – is eligible for funding under this program. Resource:
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Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) grant (US Department of Education):
This grant is designed to strengthen and improve district and school-level buildings’ emergency response and crisis plans. Access to SIS data on handheld devices serve as an essential emergency response tool, especially when no power is available.
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COPS Secure Our Schools Grants (US Department of Justice):
The COPS Office recently announced the availability of funding under the COPS Secure Our Schools (SOS) 2011 grant program. Approximately $14 million is available in Fiscal Year 2011 to provide funding to law enforcement agencies to assist with the development of school safety resources and provide improved security at schools and on school grounds. This program will fund up to 50% of the total cost to implement one or more of the following options: placement and use of metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures; security assessments; security training of personnel and students; coordination with local law enforcement; and/or any other measure that may provide a significant improvement in security.
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Other US Department of Education Programs
Learn more about other US Department of Education initiatives. Get the 2010 Guide to US Department of Education Programs
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State Funding
You can probably gain most of your funding at the State Level. Find your state department of education at the following link:
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Partner Funding: Police Department
Your local Police Department may want to help you pay for software and hardware that supports their purpose. For instance, the City of Newport News Police Department in Virginia purchased 48 Principalm+ software licenses and the necessary hardware for their local School Board. Principalm+ – with its quick access to student/staff pictures, identities, past histories and contacts; helps the police department achieve their ultimate objective of safety and security. Ask your local Police Department for support. You never know what you’ll get unless you ask.
Grant Resources was established as a governmental resource named the E-Grants Initiative, part of the President’s 2002 Fiscal Year Management Agenda to improve government services to the public. The concept has its origins in the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999, also known as Public Law 106-107. Today, is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $400 billion in annual awards.
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School Technology Grants: K-12
This publication provides information and links to various grants.
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eSchool News: Grants and Funding
Monitor eSchool News for school funding and education technology grants for K-12.
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Grants Schools